I graduated from Discipleship Training School in Barbados. The focus of this DTS was Justice and Children at Risk. We studied the word of God as well as many other things, topics, people groups and injustices around the world. We went on a three month outreach at the end of the lecture phase for three months in Elbasan, Albania. We lived in a Roma Gypsy Village during the entire 3 months.

I am now attending the Bible Core Course with the University of the Nations in Worcester, South Africa. During this school I will be reading through the entire Bible as well as studying several books in depth using the inductive method.

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Friday 10 February 2012

My Albanian Outreach Story

In September of 2011 I departed for Barbados to attend a Discipleship Training School with Youth With A Mission.  One of my goals for after graduating High School was to go on a mission trip and take a few Bible College Classes.  While searching online for a Mission Trip, I stumbled across YWAM and their Discipleship Training School. I continued to search for other potential organizations but every time I would arrive back at YWAM and their DTS.  I prayed about the different options and God continued to show me that YWAM was where he wanted me to go.  I talked to my cousin who also attended a DTS with YWAM and that conversation only confirmed what I was hearing from God.
Three to four weeks before starting the Justice DTS in Barbados my life was jam-packed with meetings, work, errands, and support-raising.  The lecture phase was amazing, each week was a new speaker and a new topic, ranging from 'Hearing God's Voice' to 'Relationships' to 'Children at Risk'.  During the Lecture phase of this DTS I had amazing times in worship, in prayer and during one of those times I heard God call me to be a missionary in Gambia.  I later talked to Bill Landis who explained to me the need for distribution in Gambia, distribution of Bibles, the Jesus Film, Books, Medicine, and most of all Jesus’ Love.  I was speechless as God reminded me of two months earlier when a speaker visited my church and shared a message from God that was for me.  He said “God will use you for distribution, you will be a part of missions, not by yourself but as a team.  Someone may come  up to you , give you $1K and say “God told me to give you this.”  From then on part of my heart has and will forever be for Gambia. 
        During the outreach into London and Albania I asked God to give me a taste of His emotions, I want to hurt like He does when He sees us running from Him, I want to cry as He does when He sees the abortion, sex trafficking and human slavery that runs rampant day in and day out.  I have prayed for His heart and I know that He has answered my prayer! God has allowed me to feel the emotions He feels, He has given me the ability to imagine myself in that persons shoes. I believe  that through spending time with Jesus during this DTS I have come to the realization that God is the most loving father of the entire world! From my experiences in Barbados, London & Albania, I have seen how God feels regarding His people in this world. I have seen and can attest to how much He loves us, how much He cries because of the suffering that happens all across the world.  From the day outreach started God began to show me how much He desires to come into our lives, He has revealed to me the love He has for every single person in the entire world.
From books I read and stories I heard I realized that a lot of people put their focus too much hearing someone say the ‘sinners prayer’ but never taking the time to invest in their lives and show them how much God loves them and that Jesus died on the cross for their sins and so that they can go to heaven for eternity.  I look back over the past 8 weeks of outreach and see that even though I never heard anyone ask Jesus to become there own Lord and Savior, I planted hundreds if not thousands of seeds during this DTS.  I now look back and see that I was Gods hands and feet, I was his gardener, I planted and fertilized the seeds of the gospel and saw them blossom and grow.  My life is forever changed because of my experiences during this outreach, I am personally committed to following Jesus wherever He leads, no-matter the cost. 

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