I graduated from Discipleship Training School in Barbados. The focus of this DTS was Justice and Children at Risk. We studied the word of God as well as many other things, topics, people groups and injustices around the world. We went on a three month outreach at the end of the lecture phase for three months in Elbasan, Albania. We lived in a Roma Gypsy Village during the entire 3 months.

I am now attending the Bible Core Course with the University of the Nations in Worcester, South Africa. During this school I will be reading through the entire Bible as well as studying several books in depth using the inductive method.

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Friday 16 December 2011


Hello, (I wrote this the night before we left for Albania on Dec 16th, I didn't have time to finish it.)
       We are staying at the Pentacostal City Mission Church in NW London, we landed at 5:55am on Tuesday, waited for our guide who is also a YWAMER and then continued to travel for another 2hrs on trains! Immediately after eating some food we all went into lullaby land for a few hours.  When we came back we walked down to a grocery store and replenished our arsenal of food.  Wednesday the Barbadians   left for the Embassy and we (Austin, Crystal, Zack, Chrystle, Gareth and myself) departed on a mission to obtain signatures from locals that are in support of a new primary school.  We went to other primary schools when they were starting and ending and stood outside the gates and asking for signatures. One of the guys went up to a teacher and asked if they would like to sign, he said "no, but there is a someone inside that you should talk to."  To make a long story even shorter they ended up talking to the headmaster who wanted to know why they wanted to take her job away from her! In the end they four of them were escorted of the premises of the school.
      Yesterday we went sightseeing, we saw the London Bridge, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and much much more! Today we helped decorate for a Christmas party, it started at 7pm and we just finished cleaning up an hour ago.  There were about 30 kids, each of us sat at different tables and talked with all the kids.  I sat at one with 4 boys and they were fun! First of I started to show them my moves with a Tech-Deck (A mini skateboard for fingers) They laughed at my wicked awesome moves and told me the proper word for soda! It was fun, the kid that I connected with most is named Samuel. He was very sad that I was leaving and he would not see me again, I told him that God can bring us back together again! I pray God does; it would be awesome to meet Samuel again sometime later in life.

We are in Albania now working with the Roma-Gypsies! It is an eye-opening experience seeing how they live day in and day out.  I believe God put us here for a specific purpose and I am excited to fully see what that is in the near future!
Keep praying for our health and safety here in Albania, I am just getting over a cold that I picked up a few days after arriving in Albania. It has been a time where I have had more time to think, pray and read. Although it has been a good time I am ready to be healthy again!

Thanks for your prayers and support! I will post about what is going on here in Albania in a few days!



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