I graduated from Discipleship Training School in Barbados. The focus of this DTS was Justice and Children at Risk. We studied the word of God as well as many other things, topics, people groups and injustices around the world. We went on a three month outreach at the end of the lecture phase for three months in Elbasan, Albania. We lived in a Roma Gypsy Village during the entire 3 months.

I am now attending the Bible Core Course with the University of the Nations in Worcester, South Africa. During this school I will be reading through the entire Bible as well as studying several books in depth using the inductive method.

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Sunday 30 October 2011

Spiritual Warfare and Spiritual Gifts!

Hello friends!
Our first outreach meeting was this last Thursday; during that meeting the specific outreach location was finalized. Upon completion of the Lecture Phase we will have a 2 month 5 part Outreach Phase. The first part, one week of Outreach here in Barbados. Second, fly to London for ten days; in London we will do local outreaches while waiting for Visas to process. At the present time we do not have a place to stay in London; if you know of a place we could potentially stay please don't hesitate to email me. We have faith and believe that this is Gods plan and He will provide. The third part of our outreach is in Albania (which is in southern Europe) we will stay in Albania for the 30 days we are allowed with our Visas. While in Albania we will do various outreach in numerous different ways. One of which I am looking forward to is traveling to remote mountain villages that have never heard the message of Jesus Christ!  The fourth part of our outreach could be one of two things; we are planning on flying back to Barbados for another 7 days of outreach; although if we procrastinate and fail to leave Albania before our visa expires we will innevetibly have prison ministry for the foreseeable future! Don't worry, in Acts chapter 16 Paul and Silas were in prison praying and worshiping when suddenly a massive earthquake struck and the prison doors were opened! Remember that story, pray and God willing we will leave Albania on time. Upon our arrival back into Barbados we will have 7 more days of amazing outreach! The fifth and final part is 7 days of graduation and re-entry where we will reflect on the past 5 months of training and receive our YWAM Discipleship Training School Certificates of Completion.
       I am ecstatic with energy, faith and boldness for both the outreach and the remainder of the lecture phase! I thank you all for your prayers and financial support, without your support Austin and I would still be in Klamath Falls! What I ask of you today is would you like to be a part of telling others about Jesus Christ? Through your prayer and financial support you will be a part of fulfilling the 'Great Commission' in Barbados, London an Albania where we will share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Together Austin and I need a total of  $4,000. All we ask is that you prayerfully consider becoming one of our financial supporters. Please send me an email at jordannickel77@yahoo.com with any prayer requests! You can also send a check to 5189 Round Lake Rd, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 please make the checks payable to either Jordan or Austin Nickel with a memo of 'YWAM Missions' Thank you and God Bless!

May the Holy Spirit be with you always,

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