I graduated from Discipleship Training School in Barbados. The focus of this DTS was Justice and Children at Risk. We studied the word of God as well as many other things, topics, people groups and injustices around the world. We went on a three month outreach at the end of the lecture phase for three months in Elbasan, Albania. We lived in a Roma Gypsy Village during the entire 3 months.

I am now attending the Bible Core Course with the University of the Nations in Worcester, South Africa. During this school I will be reading through the entire Bible as well as studying several books in depth using the inductive method.

Please subscribe to my blog to recieve email alerts when I post anything new.

Friday 21 October 2011

Classes, Feeding The Homeless, Visiting The Sick!......Busy! Busy! Busy! And I LOVE IT!!!!!!

        First off I would like to thank you all for your love and support! We fed the homeless Tuesday; giving out around 100 bags of food! We prayed for the sick, the wounded and for different business' it was very exciting to see God's love spread throughout Bridgetown, Barbados! 
During our prayer walk we passed by a homeless man who asked for money, unknown to the rest of us Tenisha (who is one of the students) was thinking "I wish I had some change!" We kept walking and to our amazement WHAMMO!!! Jesus was listening and said "You need some change? I'll give you more than change!" What do you know, less than 15' away was a ten dollar bill lying on the ground being trampled! Tenisha picked up the bill and gave it to him; thank you Jesus!  
       I know that some of you will be saying, "He will just spend it on drugs and alcohol; you should have bought him some food!" I agree the great majority of homeless people are addicted to drugs and alcohol and will normally go and spend any cash they receive on those items.  If we are supposed to show Jesus' love to everyone then shouldn't we trust God and let Him work in the hearts of those we give to?  Does it matter if they go and spend it on boos and drugs? I would say yes but the bigger question is "How are we showing God's love?" Just saying "Jesus loves you" and walking away or saying "Jesus loves you and giving them $100!" I believe that if we give in a sincere manner and show God's love that God will work in their hearts!
       At the beginning our food walk, we came back to where the man was and what do you know, he was still there; sitting on the sidewalk eating soup!  What surprised us more was when we asked him if he wanted a bag of food he said no! I believe it was so that another who hadn't received $10 and was still starving could have his portion. That right there, is a picture of Jesus' love for us.

       This week our speaker has been Dave Harper; he has been speaking on relationships and true love. The homework for the past two nights has been to make up or Purity Covenant! Here are the questions we needed to answer in order to create our Purity Covenant.
~What do you desire most about your relationship with Christ?
~What physical boundaries are you committed to keeping in your relationships with the opposite sex?
~Who Will Keep You Accountable To Your Purity Covenant?~What Specific Character Qualities Do You Desire Most In Your Lifelong Mate?       
       The most important thing to look at in a relationship is motive.  Think about it, all the bad relationships you have had; what has the real motive been? God? I believe that if the motive is God then your relationship will prosper. Remember that relationships should represent God. When others notice your relationship they should see God On Display!

       Thank you for your wonderful prayer and financial blessings; without them Austin and I would not be here in Barbados attending the Discipleship Training School!  We are still in need of $4,000 by the beginning of December, without it we will not be able to attend the Outreach Phase to Albania.  We have faith and know God will provide! The question we ask you is this, "Has God called you to support us in our Mission to Albania?" I realize times are tough financially but with God all things are possible! Please pray and ask God if you are one of our financial partners. 

May the Holy Spirit be with you always,

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