I graduated from Discipleship Training School in Barbados. The focus of this DTS was Justice and Children at Risk. We studied the word of God as well as many other things, topics, people groups and injustices around the world. We went on a three month outreach at the end of the lecture phase for three months in Elbasan, Albania. We lived in a Roma Gypsy Village during the entire 3 months.

I am now attending the Bible Core Course with the University of the Nations in Worcester, South Africa. During this school I will be reading through the entire Bible as well as studying several books in depth using the inductive method.

Please subscribe to my blog to recieve email alerts when I post anything new.

Monday 17 October 2011

3 Weeks Already!!!!

I can't believe it has been three weeks already! It has flown by at an unbelievable speed! The first week was orientation, the YWAM Base leader Martin and his wife Anne Marie were the speakers.  The topics ranged from hearing God's voice to biblical values. 
The second week Bill Landis came and spoke about God's many names or should I say hundreds of names  and what they mean, he shared life lessons on hearing God's voice and trusting God completely with your life. 
Mark and Bonnie flew in for week three and spoke on the Divine Plumbline.  Essentially it is all about repentance, forgiveness and deliverance. It is hard to explain in a post here, I encourage you to read and buy the book 'Walls Of My Heart' by Dr. Bruce Thompson.  I guarantee if you read this book and go through the steps your life will be dramatically changed forever!
Guess what??? I received my camera! I have taken and posted around 150 pictures most of which I have already uploaded onto my Facebook account! The link is located at the top right section of this page. Note: You DO NOT need a Facebook account to view my photo album, just click the link!  
     Today has marked the beginning of the end of the first half of the Lecture Phase! Dave Harper arrived this afternoon and spoke on the 'Father heart of God and how we can recognize the lies we have believed about God.' I am extremely excited for the weeks come!         

Until next time meditate on this,

       Philippians 2:5-8
     "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross!"

      Do you know how Jesus died? Remember how He bled water and blood? The reason He bled water was because the weight of the worlds sins (mine and yours) were so heavy they actually broke His heart!!  That right there is a humbling thought. What do you think it means to serve a God who would not only forgive us of our sins but also come down to earth and die as a sacrifice for our sins? I don't know about you but for me it is hard just thinking about it! I am glad I have the ability to serve God who is loving, forgiving and yet so personal!
   Tomorrow, 10/18 is our very first outreach into Bridgetown, Barbado! We will hand out food to the hungry and homeless! I am very excited to love on those the world so unjustly calls unlovable! Thank you for your prayers during our outreach into Bridgetown.

May the Holy Spirit be with you always,

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