I graduated from Discipleship Training School in Barbados. The focus of this DTS was Justice and Children at Risk. We studied the word of God as well as many other things, topics, people groups and injustices around the world. We went on a three month outreach at the end of the lecture phase for three months in Elbasan, Albania. We lived in a Roma Gypsy Village during the entire 3 months.

I am now attending the Bible Core Course with the University of the Nations in Worcester, South Africa. During this school I will be reading through the entire Bible as well as studying several books in depth using the inductive method.

Please subscribe to my blog to recieve email alerts when I post anything new.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Problems with posting comments.......

It came to my attention that some of you are having trouble posting comments on my posts.  I found out that you need to have an account with either Google, LiveJournal, WordPress, TypePad, AIM, or OpenID. If you have an email account with another provider you can still sign up with Google and continue to use your main email as your username. Click this to create a new account with Google.
Email me if you are having any problems!
        Austin and I are still in need of $2,000 ASAP. Please consider supporting us financially in our mission trip to Albania. If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me at jordannickel77@yahoo.com!

Thank you!

Monday 28 November 2011

Kings Kids!

This weekend was Kings Kids; which is basically a youth retreat. We had around 16 youth ranging from 12-17 who spent Friday night and Saturday morning here at the YWAM Base! Friday night Austin and Gareth gave the message on identity and purpose! We played Capture the Flag for the night game; which by the way was destructive! During the second game I was running after one of the girls to tag her.......and........well.........I sort of ran into her. We collided and I managed to slip underneath her so that she fell on me and not the rough concrete! At first I thought she had broke her arm and leg but then found out she had in fact landed on me and only had a few red marks. I only scraped up my knee......it felt good! Saturday we played more field games and watched a movie called The Butterfly Circus which I strongly encourage you to watch it!
     Austin and I are still in need of $2,000 and with your support have paid $5,000 already.  Our tickets have been purchased and we are leaving for Albania on December 12th!  Keep praying and believing! Thank you for your support both financially and in prayer! 
      This week our speakers are from Brazil and the topic is Children At Risk.   A child who has or is "at risk" of developing serious problems/disabilities in 5 key areas: Intellectually, Emotionally, Socially, Physically, & Spiritually.   I will post more about Children At Risk later this week.  For now keep us in your prayers and support us in any way you can! 

Thank you and God bless!
-Jordan & Austin

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Only 2 Days Left!!!

       With your support,  Austin and Are only $2,000 away from our $14,000 goal! We have had 10 days to raise $4,000, we have 2 days left and $2,000 left to raise! Last night was TAT (Team Albanian Tuesdays) we were informed that lodging in London has been confirmed! We will be staying with a church that is 30 minutes away from both the Embassy and the Airport. While in London we will be helping with the needs around the church there as well as assisting in the church program which helps both homeless and low-income families.  Please continue to pray we receive conformation from the Albanian Embassy on our 90 day visa application ASAP! With God ALL things are possible! $2,000 is nothing to God! God has blessed us tremendously and I believe He will continue to provide for our every need, if we continue to serve Him in everything we do.  Thank you for your support in our Mission Trip. Without you we would not be able to experience Gods blessing in this DTS!  Would you prayerfully consider supporting us in our Mission Trip to Albania? We need $2,000 by Friday the 25th!  May God bless you abundantly! -Jordan

Tuesday 15 November 2011

10 Days Left!!!!!!

Hello!! Tonight was TAT, Team Albania Tuesdays!! We were informed that our remaining $3,000 is needed and due November 25th!!! That's less than ten days and we KNOW that God will provide! We will depart for Albania on Dec the 12th, we'll stay at a church in London, England for 5-10 days while our visas are being processed and help feed the poor and homeless. . With stamped visas we will fly to Albania and stay with the Roma-Gypsies for 2 months. While in Albania we will feed and clothe the poor, work with other Christians, we will show the Roma-Gypsies Jesus' love.Will you prayerfully consider supporting us both financially and in prayer? Would you share this with your friends and family? Remember $3,000 by Nov 25th, no amount is too small! You can deposit you support directly into our Mission Account, just go to any Chase Bank! Our account number is 978741668.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!



Thank you so very much!!
 - Jordan & Austin

Saturday 12 November 2011


I love pushing myself, although sometimes I'm not very fond of the results.  Friday the 28th of October was a night I will remember forever! That Friday was Kings Kids, during one of the night games
       I jumped off a roof and bruised my right heel, on top of that I then stepped on a ground-level water valve. My heal was nothing compared to what happened to my foot!  I strained my Tibialis Anterior! It is the labeled muscle on the right at the very bottom of the picture. I smashed and I believe strained the section where it curves under the foot.  At first it didn't feel too bad, until 10-15 minutes and it started throbbing. That night I was limping with a swollen foot, (imagine half a ping-pong ball protruding from the inner arch of your foot). Before bed I asked God to heal my foot so that I would be able to play games with the kids and enthusiastically engage in every activity. I fell asleep with a swollen, elevated, iced and throbbing foot. The next morning (about 4.5 hours later) I awoke and to my surprise it hurt even more! I could hardly twist or move both my ankle and foot!  I managed to slip my shoes on and head to worship.  I participated in worship to the best of my ability, trying to forget about my injury.
       Honestly I cannot recall the exact moment, I just know it was sometime after worship when God healed my foot! I could walk, run and jump! The swelling had completely dissipated, and I could twist my ankle and foot as much as I wanted! I was so excited and happy for the healing He gave me! I know from past injuries and from feeling the pain and seeing the swelling of this injury that it was God and God alone that my foot was healed!  JEHOVAH RAPHA IS THE GOD OF HEALING!

Please continue to pray for our outreach to Albania. We are getting closer to the departure date and are excitedly watching God answer our prayers!

May the Holy Spirit be with you always,

Monday 7 November 2011

Prayer Request

Its now November 5th, 2011 and were in our 7th week of the lecture phase, where we have been learning a lot about biblical relationships, spiritual warfare and studying the word of God. Just recently us students lead a "kings kids camp" that YWAM puts on once a month, we were also the ones that planned, and orchestrated the entire weekend event. Which included cooking, games, small group as well as large group times, worship, and a work project. It was a great turn out, even though it was all put together last minute. We are very excited for the next "kings kids" which we will have fliers to hand out to kids and
parents throughout the neighborhood and parks. (Hoping for even more kids to come!)

Our outreach location has been moved to Albania following the Lord's prompting to the leaders here,while there we will be working with a people group known as "The Roma Gypsies" who don't really have a home country. We have also heard there are some Albanian villages in the hill country that have not been reached with the gospel as of yet and are praying we have the opportunity to make it to some of these villages. Would you please pray for our team as we are trying to get a 60 day visa into Albania instead of the 30 day that is normally given. Thanks for all your prayers and support! If there is anyway we can pray for you or your families please let us know by email at austin423nickel@yahoo.com or jordannicker77@yahoo.com