I graduated from Discipleship Training School in Barbados. The focus of this DTS was Justice and Children at Risk. We studied the word of God as well as many other things, topics, people groups and injustices around the world. We went on a three month outreach at the end of the lecture phase for three months in Elbasan, Albania. We lived in a Roma Gypsy Village during the entire 3 months.

I am now attending the Bible Core Course with the University of the Nations in Worcester, South Africa. During this school I will be reading through the entire Bible as well as studying several books in depth using the inductive method.

Please subscribe to my blog to recieve email alerts when I post anything new.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Two Moves Ahead......

Lately God has been reminding me that I haven't been dwelling on the truth of His Word nearly enough. It's 12:35am and I was about to go brush my teeth when I thought I would meditate on some. I opened up my flashcard app with my collection of verses and 1 Peter 3:14-17 was the first one up.

"But even if you should suffer for doing what is right, you are blesses. 'Never be afraid of their threats, and never get upset. Instead, exalt the Messiah' as Lord in your lives. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you to explain the hope you have. But do this gently and respectfully, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak evil of your good conduct in the Messiah will be ashamed in slandering you. After all, if it is the will of God, it is better to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong."

That is one of my favorite sections of scripture, it really sums up our life in a paragraph.

What if we really lived out these verses? 

Especially when it says "Never be afraid of their threats, and never get upset. Instead, exalt the Messiah". 
We would truly be followers of Christ who are willing and ready to lay it all down because we have hope and that hope does not fail. (Romans 5:3-5)

What about the last section, "After all, if it is the will of God, it is better to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong."
Now what is the will of God? 1 Tim 2:3&4 says that God wants everyone to be saved and understand the truth. Are we willing to go through suffering and persecution and exalt the Messiah in the midst of it?  If God is allowing us to go through that situation not only to strengthen us, but also to bring others to Himself through our reaction, then why do we get offended?

Did Jesus ever get offended?

Why should we?

What is our focus on when we feel offended?

Think two moves ahead, the situations we're in now have direct affect on the future.

Be a follower, not a fan.
- Jordan Nickel.

Monday 8 September 2014

Since when has the gospel been safe?

I have the opportunity to lead a time of intercession at College Group tomorrow night and I was researching some information on the amount of persecution against the Christian Church in the world.
I came across an article on The Voice of the Martyrs' Blog. It's an awesome short read.

Suffering - the Mark of the Church

I recently read a deeply thought provoking blog written by Pastor Eric Foley, the CEO and Co-Founder of Seoul USA. As I read what he wrote, I was reminded of a chapter in Corrie Ten Boom’s book The Hiding Place. It is in this part of her story that she tells of a night when she and her family stayed up late into the evening to listen to a live radio address from the Prime Minister of Holland. Her family listened intently as the Dutch people were told they need not worry about war. He announced to the nation that both sides had agreed to accept the neutral stance of Holland. Upon hearing this, Casper Ten Boom rose to his feet, and abruptly turned off the radio. He knew that war was imminent, and he was deeply disturbed by the false hope being given to the people.
It was a mere five hours after that announcement that the Ten Boom family awoke to the sounds of explosions followed by flashes of light. Bombs were being dropped on their homeland. They had been invaded, and war had rudely erupted in the Dutch nation. Further reading of Corrie’s story reveals the deep concern Casper Ten Boom had for those who would not be ready for the hard times ahead.
I too, sense this deep disturbance as all my senses are bombarded by knowledge of the suffering Christians are enduring all over the world today. I am troubled as I see and hear evil men taunt the world, both verbally and visually, with their hellish threats. Something in me shudders when I hear a narrative that portrays us as a people removed from harm, and safely secured. It is not a fearful self-preservation I feel, but rather a concern for those who are not ready. At the same time, I believe this begs a deeper look from within from all of us.
If we have edited our faith to such a degree that suffering has no place, how will we be prepared when it arrives on our doorstep?
I remember reading The Hiding Place many years ago and thinking to myself: surely God knew I could not suffer as those whose stories line the pages in this book. I told myself – that is why I was born in this time, blessed, and in America. I am ashamed to admit that my world view was distorted and self-absorbed at best. My understanding was one in which Americans somehow were not privy to suffering for their faith; certainly not in today’s civil society. Keeping with the comfort level I sought to surround myself with I also believed that all persecuted Christians must have been supernaturally spared the physical and mental pain of torture. If I dared to allow my mind to contemplate their suffering, I did so only to a point. Generally those thoughts ended with my rationalizing how God must have intervened before the physical pain touched them. I also entertained the thought that perhaps there was something those who suffered for their faith could have done to avoid the punishment they were dealt. Maybe if they had prayed a specific prayer, avoided hostile people groups, or perhaps simply stayed home.
It would be years later at The Voice of The Martyrs conference that I would come face to face with my distorted understanding. I heard stories from all over the world of suffering happening to Christians. The first evening I listened as a man from Pakistan explained the hardships the Pakistani church endures, and then described the torture and eventual murder of a young Christian boy. This young man died at the hands of his torturers simply because he was a Christian. For the first time in my life I contemplated the possibility that God does not intervene in every situation and take the suffering away from His people.
That evening I went back to my hotel room and had a heart-to-heart talk with the Lord. Up until that time I had been crying out to the Lord to “Send me!” Now I was asking Him to not fulfill those prayers. The burden in my heart for those who suffer was greater than I felt I could bear. I spoke to the Lord again from the neatly-crafted package of comfort, safety, and control I wanted to create for my life. He graciously listened to me try to tell Him what to do.
Day two of the conference began with me feeling assured—certainly my talk with the Lord was successful and I had effectively canceled out all those “send me” prayers. It was then that a young man from the Middle East began to share about his work, which includes traveling great distances into hostile territories controlled by militant Islam. These are places where Christians die for their faith. He shared his family’s pleas not to do the work God had called him to.
Pictures were displayed on a screen behind him of people receiving the Bibles he delivered. Their expressions of curiosity and delight captivated me. As he spoke, he seemed puzzled by those who ask why he goes to such dangerous places. His response was simply, “Since when has the gospel been safe?”
I felt as if I were alone with the Lord in the room. This statement seared my heart, and I knew the Lord was speaking directly to me. I recalled the list of demands I called “prayer” the night before, and heard Him say to me, “I did not create you that way.”  At that moment, I said “Yes.” to His way in all my life.
IITim312Today I still hear this young man’s words – “since when has the gospel been safe?” Perhaps it is the omission of this gospel message that disturbs me most. If we have edited our faith to such a degree that suffering has no place, how will we be prepared when it arrives on our doorstep? After all it is in the Bible that, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,” (2 Timothy 3:12).
Corrie Ten Boom goes on in her book to describe how as bombs were falling from the sky over Holland, she and her sister knelt on their knees and prayed. They prayed for those who would mourn the loss of loved ones, they prayed for those who were injured, they prayed for the ill prepared, and they prayed for the German soldiers. Today Christians in hostile and restricted nations continue to pray. They are praying in the West Bank, as the minority Christian communities open their churches as places of refuge to Christians and Muslims alike. Some of the places where they are praying include Syria, Iraq, North Korea, Nigeria, and South Sudan. They are praying in underground meetings, in fields, deserts, and homes. Some will pray alone, silently, without the utterance of a single word. While others are praying in chains confined to their prison cells. Yes, suffering has always been the mark of the Christian church. We have much to learn from our Christian family who suffer for the sake of the cross.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”   Revelation 12:11

So as the persecution mounts around the world pray and seek the Lord. We all need strength at this time and it may get worse here at home. Continue to intercede for our brothers and sisters around the world. Pray they would have strength to represent Christ and stand strong even in the face of death. Pray for those who are persecuting the church. That God would continue to reveal himself to them.


Wednesday 4 June 2014

Future.....Plans.....What an adventure!

The Philippines was an amazing experience, I had never been in a place where people were in such desperate need. They literally lost every material possession they owned except for the clothes on their backs. It was amazing to see the amount of work that was done in the four months between the typhoon and when I was able to go. There were still people and families that were living with others because they still didn't have a house. Sometimes there would be 3-4 families living in the same house. Please continue to pray for those who live and have been affected by the Typhoon Yolanda and that the name of Jesus would continue to spread throughout the islands of the Philippines.

Upon returning to the states I continued to pray about what I what I should be doing this fall in regards to studying and equipping myself for what God has planned for my life.
I prayed, researched different places, prayed, talked to friends, prayed, read through my journal entries to see what God has spoken to me in the past and if any of it was specifically relevant for my immediate situation.
I just returned from a trip up to the Oregon Coast with some friends and was able to spend time reflecting on what God has spoken to me and listened to where He is leading me at this time.
I just got all my brothers and Dad to come and have a small devotion once a week so that we can build our strength as a band of brothers in Christ. It was easy, l was reminded of why I haven't started the groups I've really desired to start groups for Jr. And Sr. High Students where we can read through a book and discuss it in a small group setting.

Now during my times on the beach I really thought about the fact that God has given each of us specific gifts to tell the world about Christ. I was thinking, what are mine? My two main spiritual gifts are Exhortation & Teaching and I am passionate about Jr. & Sr. High students because they are at the exact age where they need the truth the most. As they search for a substance to fill the void they feel inside them and all they hear is the world telling them what they need to feel accepted, loved and needed. I want to encourage Fathers to be a Father by actively pursuing relationships with their sons and talking about those tough subjects. Then my personality affects this as well, I greatly enjoy leading, conversing and listening and if we go by the personality test I am extroverted, sensible, feeling and judging. I would love to lead groups or even get them started and then allow someone else to step in.

So where am I going this fall? At this time my plan is to study online and develop the skills and gifts God has blessed me with.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Philippines Typhoon Relief on March 23rd!

     On November 8th, 2013 the largest Philippine Typhoon on record devastated the Islands of the Philippines destroying homes, buildings, churches and killing at least 6,201 people. The devastation that Typhoon Haiyan left in it's wake was overwhelming. With over 28,000 injured, 1,726 missing, 431 million dollars worth of destruction to agriculture and 447 million to buildings, this was the second deadliest typhoon ever recorded in the Philippines. Following the storm, aid came quickly but because of the vast amount of need for shelter, food, water and cleanup there were certain areas where people began looting to find food. Thousands fled into Manila as certain cities became unsafe because of prisoners who had escaped. Countless organizations and individuals stepped up and gave what they could. Whether money or personally flying over with teams to aid in cleanup, distribution of clean water, food and shelter. Many who witnessed the aftermath of the Typhoon saw houses that were completely destroyed, it reminded them of Matthew 7:24-25 which says "Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock." The teams were able to talk with those who had lost everything they had ever put their trust and hope in and encourage them to place their trust in Christ who would never leave them or forsake them no-matter the size of storm this life brings.

    I have the opportunity to travel with a team to the Philippines where we will be working alongside U-Turn for Christ on the island of Samar in the Philippines. My team consists of about 8 from New Horizon Christian Fellowship and the remaining from a Calvary Chapel in California. There is still a vast amount of destruction and a severe need for cleanup, construction, and prayer. We will travel to Samar knowing that we will be there to serve, to do anything that is needed.

    I am so thankful that God has given me this opportunity to serve those who have had their very lives turned upside down. Thousands of people are now orphans, widows, homeless, many have lost everything. It has now been four months since the typhoon, there is still a tremendous need for clean water, food, shelter and just someone to be there to talk to. Put yourself in their shoes, you had a family, a house, and friends, but now your family, your friends and your house have all disappeared. You witnessed the death of your family. But you can't do anything to bring them back. Everything you have every trusted in, everyone you have loved, everything you have called home is now gone.

    There is such a great need for the gospel to be shared in the Philippines, people are in such a desperate place, searching for the one thing that will give them satisfaction, someone who will accept them for who they are, someone who will love them no-matter what they do and who is radically in love with who they are and believes that they can do it! I am so excited to be able to be in the position to share who God is what Jesus did and that they are loved by God!

    Would you partner with me both in prayer and financially? The cost is $2,200 would you take the step and be a part of sharing the Love of Jesus with those who's lives have been tragically shaken? Would you commit to and partner with me? Can you give $100? $10? $200?  Do you know anyone who would be excited to give and pray? Please share this message on Facebook, Twitter, or email it to your friends and family!

Here are two ways to give and support me:

New Horizon Christian Fellowship 
1909 Homedale Rd, 
Klamath Falls, OR 97603
Remember to mention that it's for 'Jordan Nickel - Philippines Mission'

Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support! Here are a few specific ways you can be prayer for us while we're in the Philippines:

  • Health: There are more germs, viruses and diseases that are spreading because of the vast destruction of the water, sewage and trash. 
  • Strength: Pray that we would continually remember that God is our strength and support. 
  • Continual awareness of the leading of the Holy Spirit as we minister to those in need. 
  • Safe Travels: We are flying out of LA as well as our travels around the island of Samar. 
  • Softening of Hearts: Pray that the Holy Spirit would minister to those who are in desperate need of the Lord. 
  • Pray that we would be willing to step out in boldness and not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

God Bless You,
- Jordan Nickel

I am truly grateful for your support and I am praying that God would bless you as you give and pray.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to me in person please send me an email at jordananickel77@yahoo.com

Here is a video of some of the destruction in the Philippines and the current need: