From September to December, these past three months have transformed my life, I've been able to spend every day digging into the Word. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was with God and the Word is Jesus. I'm going to share with you what I've experienced these past three months.
Imagine that you thought the earth was all there was, you could see the sun, moon and stars but didn't really know how big they really are or even what they are. You've lived your life, traveled around the earth and said to yourself "I did it, sure I didn't get to explore every single thing in minute detail but I've got the overall knowledge of everything there is in the world." You believe you've seen it all, and why not? Nobody has ever told you that there is more than just the earth. Then, someone tells you about how our sun isn't the only sun, compared to others ours is microscopic! Our galaxy isn't by itself, we aren't even in the center! There are so many stars and planets out there, we've only hit the tip of the iceberg! Don't allow what you see determine what you believe! Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there!
Imagine that you thought the earth was all there was, you could see the sun, moon and stars but didn't really know how big they really are or even what they are. You've lived your life, traveled around the earth and said to yourself "I did it, sure I didn't get to explore every single thing in minute detail but I've got the overall knowledge of everything there is in the world." You believe you've seen it all, and why not? Nobody has ever told you that there is more than just the earth. Then, someone tells you about how our sun isn't the only sun, compared to others ours is microscopic! Our galaxy isn't by itself, we aren't even in the center! There are so many stars and planets out there, we've only hit the tip of the iceberg! Don't allow what you see determine what you believe! Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there!
I came to this school seeing the earth feeling as if I've seen and know what Christianity is all about. I think my spirit knew that there was more but because I couldn't see it in outer space I didn't believe it. I'm not saying what we are doing is wrong, we were created to worship God but is there more that God has for us? Going through the day, praying for people, discipleship, these things are amazing and vital but is there more? We are a new Creation, but what does that really mean? New is something that has never been seen before, it's unique, there has never been anything like it!
I was moving forward, pursuing God but unaware that there is so much more beyond earth or even our galaxy. I found that just going day to day, living a good life, carrying the name of Jesus in everything I do. I think my spirit knew that there was something more, something beyond earth. During the second week in October I studied the book of Romans, yeah I've read it before, many times. The life-changing transformation really came when I meditated and took the truth of the Word as it is. I'm not going to go into specifics of what God has revealed to me, except that what you think you know about God's ultimate plan for his Children is not even close. Well depending on what God has revealed to you.
Jesus was not just an example for us, but also an example of us! Jesus said that we would do greater things than he did! Why not take that as truth? Healing, multiplying food, raising the dead, walking on water, transrelocating, walking through people and walls, what about the his transfiguration? All of this is what Jesus did and what God did for him and he was an example of who we are!
What I really want you to see is that there is more than just what you can see, there is more than what you think there is. Continue to actively pursue God, it's a relationship and when we are seeking Him these things will come.
What I really want you to see is that there is more than just what you can see, there is more than what you think there is. Continue to actively pursue God, it's a relationship and when we are seeking Him these things will come.
Ask, ask and keep on asking.
Seek, seek and keep on seeking.
Knock, knock and keep on knocking.
Pursue God with everything that you are, not 90% but 100% commit your entire life for His will!
Don't let what you can't see determine what you believe.
Check out this video of the galaxies of the universe! It's amazing!